
Nexster beim Themenabend Sommerschulen


"Themenabend Sommerschulen" Vorstellung Internationale Events SS 2015.
Campus Ricklinger Stadtweg.

Beginn: 18:00 Uhr

„Themenabend Sommerschulen“ Vorstellung der Internationalen Events im Sommersemester 2015. Nexster stellt „face“ vor: ein internationales Entrepreneurship Programm vom 23.8. bis 6.92015 an der Hochschule Hannover.

face is a program in innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership for entrepreneurial development and value creation to create self directed reflecting professionals, entrepreneurs, artpreneurs, sociopreneurs and intrapreneurs.
An international program in entrepreneurship
A journey — face is a journey in creative learning to (re)invent and develop yourself and find your ability to innovate and create value. A program in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership. During the journey you learn in and about the entrepreneurial process and you can experiment and develop entrepreneurial roles that fit to you.
In entrepreneurial learning face is an integral learning process for innovation applying entrepreneurial learning theories as effectuation, conceptcreativity and Human Centered Design Thinking. A program to learn participants act and think as an entrepreneur, a creative and empathy driven learning process. Learning by doing and by game –
to understand.

A learning environment for growth — face is a (learning) environment for growth from people and their ideas, a method that connect creative and entrepreneurial action. face is about authentic development, courage to take responsibility and ‘connecting the dots’.
face is a Design program for an entrepreneurial lifestyle.

A learning process in reality — In face you are involved in three learning cycles, solving ‘problems’ for companies, organizations, entrepreneurs and yourself. face is learning in a network of students, coaches and creative industries from Europe.